Sunday, December 9, 2018

Best place to Get Free Backlink For Web/Blog

There is so many tool have the internet to get backlinks. but 95% pages are fake. I tried more than 100 tools but can't get any success.  but suddenly i found some tool in a web forum and i think to it share with you.  This is Best i ever found and i use this tool since 2014. I mention this toll issue also.

Are willing to Get Free backlink for your web/blog. This is the Best Places i ever found.

IMT Website Submitter.

This Site give us to Create the Free of Backlink.

IMT Website Submitter - submits your website to 1,800+ places for FREE! - (Updated 09.11.2017.)

 I tested this today and found out that when using Internet Explorer many failed page. this is the only issue i found. 

but You need to use FireFox, Google Chrome or Safari in order to get high success rates!

Boost Your Backlinks-> Rankings-> Sales

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  3. I'm glad you shared your experience with IMT Website Submitter as it sounds like a valuable tool.
