The first desktop PC CPU with 64 cores has now launched. The AMD Threadripper 3990X is now the most powerful CPU in its class by an almost embarrassing distance, going well beyond what any home PC could reasonably need.The specification is mighty, with 64 cores
(and 128 threads via SMT), a base clockof2 9GH d
maximum boost clock up to 4.3GHz.
There’s also a huge 256MB total of L3 cache. The overclocking potential is also faintly terrifying, with the world record clock speed currently sitting at 5.57GHz, achieved by the Korean overclocking team Safedisk.
However, with a price of £3,690 inc VAT from, the 3990X is out of the reach of most people’s finances, and most desktop software isn’t optimized for such a large number of cores yet either. As a statement of technological prowess, though, it’s going to take some beating.